In today's age of Information, whatever you want to know may be available at your fingertips on the Internet. But most of us B.Tech graduates looking for a job or for their dream higher ed admission knows very well that Information is one thing and experience, or rather hands on experience is an entirely different thing.
 I have set up this site so that my efforts, findings information and experience I gather as I continue my studies and as my career progresses can be easily archived, and shared with fellow engineering students. I also request you to feel free to commend and follow this blog so that it may be enriched and may become a useful resource for future visitors. Please bare with the amateur design and scroll down for older posts. Click on the boxes to expand posts. You can also use  the archives section to look at my older posts. 
Feel free to suggest topics, ideas etc. in your comments. Anything and everything is welcome. Let us make this into something every engineering student would feel thankful for. We all know those feelings, as we all were or are engineering students....don't we?
Once again thank you for visiting.Don't forget to share the love!

Sharath Poikayil Satheesh

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